Labor law focuses on regulating labor relations by providing clear rights and duties for both the employer and the employee. Labor relations require a high degree of preventive planning in order to develop in the best way for all parties involved.
Thus, Castrillón & Cardenas Consultores offers a timely and efficient service in the structuring and negotiation of labor relations under Colombian law for both domestic and foreign clients. Our lawyers can also provide advice on the following issues: legal diagnoses, hiring, drafting, implementation and socialization of internal labor regulations, collective labor law, advice on disciplinary proceedings, both for employers and workers, judicial or extrajudicial conciliations, among other matters.
All our services in the area of labor law are structured to provide preventive advice and strategic solutions to our clients that allow them to achieve sustainability and balance in their labor relations.
- Elaboration and review of contracts tailored to the client’s labor dynamics.
- Elaboration and implementation of Internal Labor Regulations and Disciplinary Codes.
- Occupational Health and Human Resources.
- Acompañamiento en la implementación de Sistemas de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST).
- Claim of labor and social security claims.
- Assistance in processes of loss of labor capacity or origin of the illness or accident.
- Employment labor law.
- Assistance and representation in labor litigation.
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