Decoración servicios

Criminal Law

Castrillón and Cardenas

Sometimes we are faced with difficult situations in which the things we consider most important, such as family, freedom or our well-being, are at risk. Many of these situations are the object of interest of criminal law. Which is a varied branch that regulates the punitive power of the States, in literature, movies and the media constantly refers to the criminal field and the risks and benefits it entails.

It is clear to us that a lawyer’s job is not to judge. It is a commitment to our clients, no matter how complex a circumstance is, to support them at all times. For this reason, in Castrillón y Cárdenas we have available lawyers specialized in this area, both to exercise the right to denounce, to obtain security and to be accompanied throughout the process, and to obtain an effective defense in which the total absence of guilt or reasonable doubt is demonstrated.

  • Preparation and filing of complaints.
  • Assistance and representation in search and seizure proceedings.
  • Extraprocedural legal analysis and diagnosis.
  • Defense of the accused in the different instances of the criminal process.
  • Appeals.
  • Assistance and representation in extradition proceedings.
  • Victim representation.
  • Investigation and collection of material evidence.
  • Expert opinions.
  • Defense and representation in foreclosure proceedings.
  • Implementation of corporate compliance and criminal risk prevention systems.
Decoración Otras áreas de práctica Castrillón y Cárdenas

Other areas of practice

Real Estate &
Urban Planning
Civil Sports &
Commercial Family Extinction
of Dominion
Criminal Law Administrative Conflict
Insolvencies Corporate Tax,
and Customs
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Servicio Inmobiliario y Urbanístico Servicio abogado de Familia Servicio Abogado Comercial Servicio Sports & Entertainment Servicio Abogado Civil Servicio Extinción de dominio Servicio abogado Penal Servicio abogado Administrativo Servicio Resolución de confilctos Servicio abogado Laboral Servicio insolvencias Servicio abogado Corporativo Servicio Tributario, Cambiario y Aduanero

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