Decoración servicios

Corporate Law

Castrillón and Cardenas

Castrillón y Cárdenas / Corporate Law

Corporate law regulates the formation, operation and organization of companies that carry out commercial activities or those that exercise non-profit social activities. Our team of lawyers specialized in corporate law will be able to provide you with effective assistance if you wish to incorporate a company, advising you on the type of company that best suits your needs. Drafting and filing all the necessary documents for the incorporation process.

If you are looking to generate greater efficiency in an already incorporated company, our lawyers will get involved with all the internal issues that will guarantee a correct management of the company, such as the drafting and revision of bylaws, shareholders’ agreements, structuring and corporate governance recommendations.

Additionally, we provide advice to our clients on corporate due diligence when seeking to invest or negotiate with different companies, we provide the relevant support in any corporate need such as: capitalization strategies, support in the process of purchase of shares and legal representation in shareholders’ meetings or boards of directors and of course in matters of dissolution and liquidation.

Finally, we also provide advice and support regarding all the “external” needs of the company such as: the negotiation and drafting of the different labor, commercial and civil contracts that may govern its relations with employees, suppliers, among others, the creation of commercial establishments.

  • Creation of companies and commercial establishments.
  • Design and execution of corporate vehicles for foreign investment in Colombia.
  • Creation of shareholder agreements.
  • Corporate Due Diligence.
  • Accompaniment in stock purchase and sale transactions.
  • Representation on boards of directors and shareholders’ meetings.
  • Design of capitalization strategies.
  • Dissolution and liquidation of Colombian companies.
Decoración Otras áreas de práctica Castrillón y Cárdenas

Other areas of practice

Real Estate &
Urban Planning
Civil Sports &
Commercial Family Extinction
of Dominion
Criminal Law Administrative Conflict
Insolvencies Corporate Tax,
and Customs
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Servicio Inmobiliario y Urbanístico Servicio abogado de Familia Servicio Abogado Comercial Servicio Sports & Entertainment Servicio Abogado Civil Servicio Extinción de dominio Servicio abogado Penal Servicio abogado Administrativo Servicio Resolución de confilctos Servicio abogado Laboral Servicio insolvencias Servicio abogado Corporativo Servicio Tributario, Cambiario y Aduanero

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